AT+P.O.-Singhara, Dist. - Vaishali (Bihar) 844126
B. R. A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur & B.S.E.B. PATNA


Rules of conduct & Student Policy


1. Attendance Policy : 75% Attendance is compulsory for all students, failing which the students will not be allowed to take terminal/Annual examination. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than two weeks renders a student liable to dismissal. Parents are requested to encourage students to attend classes regularly and show a constant interest in the academic progress of their child.

2. Minimum Number of Students : The limit of minimum no. of student per course in any collage shall be 15. If the number of applicant is less than 15 in any course in the collage then all such students may be transferred to the nearest collage or to the University headquarters as the case may be. For such cases of transfer, transfer fee shall not be charged.

3. Discipline : Discipline makes a man or woman perfect. Discipline in classroom or Campus must be maintained. Disrespect towards teachers and fellow students, irregular attendance and misconduct may lead to dismissal from the course.

4. Ragging is strictly prohibited :
Ragging is strictly prohibited in the campus, its hostels and common area in compliance with the direction of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. Severe suitable action will be initiated as per the Law if any case of ragging is detected or brought to the notice of the university. Any such case must be reported to the director (in charge of the student affairs).

5. Gender Equality and Grievance Redressal : University places great emphasis on gender equality, mutual respect for gender, religion & culture. A large number of girl students are enrolled in different courses of the university and proper facilities and security to such students shall be provided by the collage. Any grievance of the girl students be reported to the Registrar of the University immediately for quick redressal of grievances.

6. Smoking is prohibited in the University : The university is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning, working and living environment for all our students and staff members. It, therefore is the policy of the University, in adherence with the Law that smoking, Chewing Paan and Khaini or Gutka is strictly prohibited in the collage Head Quarters.

7. Visiting hours : Visitors and friends are not allowed to meet the students during the class-hour in the campus of collage Departments. If it is very urgent then permission of the competent authority must be taken.

8. Mobile Phone/I Pods etc : Mobile phone, i pod, Audio Visual Devices are not allowed in the class room. If any student is found with such devices a fine of 1000/- (one thousand rupees) will be imposed upon him.

9. Lost Articles : The university shall not be responsible for lost articles such as jewelry,
electronic devices, audio-visual aids, bicycles or two wheelers. The students will bring any such
device at their own risk.

10. Library : Collage offer book lending facilities to the students. Students must return the books to the respective Libraries in specified period and in good condition. Fine will be imposed for return of the book after the specified period or for damaging the book or Journal.

11. Extra Curricular Activities : The University encourages the students to participate in extra curricular and co-curricular activities organised from time to time. Students are directed to bring to the notice of the Director, collage or the Director (in charge of student affairs) so that their special skill in sports, cultural activities, athletics etc. is given wider recognition.

a. Candidates taking admission in Certificate/Advance Certificate/Diploma will have to deposit all fee/Charges at the time of admission.
b. Candidates taking admission in degree courses may deposit their Fee/charges in a maximum of two instalments with the consent of the collage. The University shall however recover the entire amount at the time of Registration.
c. Student who has not cleared their dues at the collage shall not be allowed to appear in Examination